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There are two definitions for the word; will according to Oxford dictionary: will 1 and will 2. In this essay, I'll be expressing wil...

Saturday, January 25, 2020


His Grace and Mercy

Who am I.  November 7th, 1955 a baby girl to a pair was born. After being born Dr.'s informed my parents that "the boy is doing fine but the little girl is in danger her lungs are deflated, she's struggling to breathe and there's nothing we can do to help her."  "What are her chances of living?" asked my parents. The doctors replied "50/50, she will live or die, she's a fighter, so we will see."  What the doctors and her parents didn't know was that little baby girl was God's Property. Heavenly Father was using me to learn them a lesson and testing my parent's faith. I remained in the hospital for a week as did my mom and twin brother. During that time all the doctors could tell my mom is she's still fighting but improving. They still had not got it and until this day I wonder if they ever did.  After passing my first test of many test-i-monies I was ready to go home and face the world.
Heavenly Father had started testing my flesh the day I was born for he'd already provided me with spirit and will. I've heard it said many times that God is stronger than the flesh  and I don't know how many of you out there truly believe it but I'm here to tell you I'm living proof.  People seldom say to me that I was destined for greatness since the day I was born (no truer statement)  I simply respond with a gentle smile while thinking to myself I know Father but I guess you felt the need to have me hear that so Amen.

Since that day I've flatlined (died) once.  I've been sheltered from death 5 times,  under the knife 13 times, survived ovarian cancer (without therapy) cured of tuberculosis, had 3 myocardial infarction (heart attacks). I'm often referred to by those who are close to me as "the sickly child" I smile within and think to myself how sad that they don't get it either. There were three people on this earth who realized my purpose two are deceased ( my parents ). The other my twin brother who witnessed two of my near-death experiences.  And the beat goes on that is: (my service and my purpose). Some of you might be overwhelmed don't be his BLESSINGS COME IN MANY GUISES. 

My next couple of blogs I 'll be sharing with you some of my experience as frighting as they appear some are actually hilarious.

©2016 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

& Now I Lay It Down feat. ReSa

Enjoy! This Is another side of my writing skills. Songwriter, Singer. Song is written, composed and sung by me. Thank you for listening.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Greenleaf: It's Not Just Another Story It's Our History

I write this blog about Greenleaf asking that you not sit in judgment of the characters also not just view as entertainment but to view as our ancestor's and our life's history so that we may better understand one another as a people and have compassion for each other.

Let's start at the beginning, after all the tail can't be straight is the head is crooked. "Dear Ole Daddy! In order to have a better understanding of daddy's behavior ( the head of the family ) I implore you to read Willie Lynch Letter And The Making Of A Slave. It's a thirty page book very short and takes about fifteen minutes to read unless you get trapped trying to wrap your brain around the idea. Afterwards I guarantee  you will fully understand the nature of the negro behavioral patterns. It is my summation and belief that the early Alpha Negro males molested their own man child as a way of control and domination passed down through generations.Therefore as repulsive as it may be don't sit in judgment of dear daddy for not being able to break the chains of bondage.  As for the Negro women they existed mainly for breeding, and the torment they too endured was immeasurable. The women were treated as inferior and had no voice in any matter. So if dear daddy was doing the boy or girl child she'd better look the other way if she wanted to live.

There is no other race on earth that has been detrimentally and infinitely tampered with as the American Negro. Example name one american negro whose traceable bloodline is pure.
Furthermore most american family surnames were that of  slave masters.

For the same reason how christianity is portrayed in the Greenleaf story and is incidentally pretty much the same in the world we live, some years ago I denounced religion and myself as a religious person. I simply state that I'm a BELIEVER and I have accepted Christ Jesus for me nobody else. I also truly believe that in order for us as a race of people to be free from the shackles that bind us to our ancestral past we must first understand in order to then forgive. Remember love does really conquer all.

I will say this: It always amazes me when folk quote parables and bible verses solely to suit their agendas.

Oprah Greenleaf is a force to be reckoned with, and I dare not make light of it! You've out done yourself with this one. It's a wound that still festers to this day affecting countless.

Thanx again for sharing. I simply hope that the world is watching Greenleaf with an open mind and heart.  Dear Oprah I do hope Greenleaf is global and available for viewing in all languages.  In my opinion it's more than worthy of it.

In my family I'm similar to the character you portray,  sister Mavis.

Lady Mae     strike the L   Shady Mae.

©2017 All Rights Reserved TheseTwoHands

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


In my youthful years I was a very people person one vigorously seeking boundless knowledge yet foremost a deeper understanding of human nature. At a function I was in the company of family,
friends and friends of friends. Among them was a quiet gentleman some would label him odd or eccentric. My spirit lured me into a conversation with him. The worldly and spiritual knowledge he began to share with me was phenomenal. Question, after questions I asked that delighted him in awe, answering with answers that wowed me. After sometime he exhaustedly said speaking in parables he knew i'd comprehend, " listen Y is a crooked letter that goes on and on and on yet we still wonder why." I still continued my quest for answers in life, but life's taught me later years that somethings just are which is what he was in essence saying. You see I understood what he was saying but I didn't believe it. This was over 40 years go, and unknowingly then a major stepping stone in my life's journey.

In one of my blogs I wrote about bringing meaningful television programs back into urban homes something that was wholesome and family oriented that I could watch with my entire family especially my grandchildren. I have two grand daughters who are 5 and 12. I was thinking of a program that focused on dealing with real life family values, failures, triumphs, stigmatizes etc. Oprah Winfrey and team has gracefully done exactly that with Greenleaf. I can't thank her enough.

You see Greenleaf is the mirror image of myself,  my immediate family and my extended family. Free from shame or guilt I can whole heartedly openly admit this. This is the story that I need to share with my grand daughters. Learning them the good, the bad and the ugly of our family history. Also to show them how it plagues, effects and affects other families so that they may be better prepared for life such as it is. Through Greenleaf I can share it in a more relative way. I don't want them to experience this nightmare or become victims as my children did no matter how over protective we as parents think we can be. Although my aka granbies are over 400 miles away and I haven't seen them in 2 years. I'm looking forward to sharing the Greenleaf experience and my experience of our family skeletons with them before I close these eyes. I don't want them to be judgmental something that wasn't instilled in me yet life made me over time. I'm 18 with 43 years of life experience having to regroup. As I continue to grow in wisdom life has taught me contrary to younger beliefs that the only right or wrong that holds any weight in life on earth is that it is wrong to sit in moral judgement of others.  Mom taught me that early in life, she said " don't look down or turn your nose up at people less fortunate than you, that same person may have to give you a drink of water or something to save your life one day."  Of course then those words didn't carry as much weight as they do for me today.

The world is full of sick folk scared by our predeceased and ancestors, and although we may all have different values no one's perfect and no one is exempt.  Perfect, incidentally a word that eludes my vocabulary these days.

I will be blogging Greenleaf and how certain situations has and still is affecting my life. It is well with my soul.

All Rights Reserved © 2017 TheseTwoHands

Monday, February 20, 2017



In the words of the late Marvin Gaye: Who's willing to try to save a world that's destined to die
When I look at the world it feels me with sorrow Little children today are really gonna suffer tomorrow  Oh what a shame such a bad way to live."  In gluttony and selfishness. Sean Carter
aka Jay Z said it "More Money More Problems," yet this seems to be the way of the world.

Money money money money, we've become a slave world all living in bondage to the rhythm of currency. I've read and listened to rants and raves on race-related slavery just one-minute faucet of slavery a ploy contrived to keep your minds off the real culprit of slavery: Money. All of you deluded Wealthy, Rich, Well Off men and women of so-called caliber and stature ask yourselves is your time truly your own do you really have peace of mind, or is your function ( work, hustle, goals, ) designed to Supersede or maintain your status quo ( Materialistic Lavish LifeStyles). Every time I read an article or hear news of anyone in the limelight's accomplishments a monetary value is always attached or implied. I'm being extremely verbal about those of you in positions deceived by slavery in the form of such titles CEO, Dr, Lawyer, Actors, Actresses, etc.  Listen up anyone who punches a clock, or whose day starts out with keeping schedules and meetings of any form other than for recreational purposes you are a slave. That's the way the monetary system is designed to encompass you. It's all dressed up as earning a living and well disguised as owning your business. I have yet to hear of a doctor living in a studio apartment to get my drift? The really smart people live off the grid and off the land in the mountains and on reservations. I have enormous respect and admiration for the lifestyle they live which is working the land, using natural resources, and the bartering system that HUMBLES and GROUNDS them, and rarely involves $.

Now I'm not saying that no self-respecting person in the given situation is not going to need to earn a decent living, heck it's the name of the game sort of speech. Just don't forget the system is controlled. I totally understand those who defy earning a living in the traditional manner. I slaved for 20 years until I was stricken with health issues and got out through SSD and now at retirement age SS. Oh, believe me, it is a blessing in disguise it allows me peace of mind and the freedom of time management that fulfills my heart's desire as a Freelance Artist. My husband earns a decent living and has dreams of his own. His dream is to share his music with the world for prestige and fortune. A lot of you would reply smart man. I personally just simply want to share. Again a lot of you would say I'm simple-minded and I'm cool with that. I'm comfortable with simple, I don't like complicated. We are a two-family income living from check to check I'm humbled and grateful that it affords us our independence. Could we use a little more he would say, of course, I would beg the differ. Am I supportive of him in his plight most definitely.

My question to the wealthy is when do you stop being a slave at what figure is enough, at what figure do you get out of the slave trade, and at what figure is too much that it becomes excessive, greed (one of the seven deadly sins). In my humble personal opinion, I don't feel any human being NEEDS millions of dollars homes henceforth two or three of them. It also tickles me pink to see my folk conscience-less aware of trying to keep up with the devil and the "devils pie," especially after having fought race-related slavery so long, only to become hostages of the Green Slave Master.

The bottom line people is Material things have no real value nor does money it's just a source of trade. I see a lot of you consumed with work so that you're looking overworked literally killing yourselves to maintain illusional empires you've built. I'm going to use that old adage you can't take it with you, which I know everyone's aware of, even though many behave contrary. Remember it can all be lost in the twinkle of an eye. I'm reminded of the the Madoff Scandal, The New Re/Max Commercial, and don't forget about Bill Cosby "The Original American Dad" who was built up only to be torn to shreds and for all of those who had his back when he was up none of them caught him coming down. So on that note who's truly giving back???

Some people call themselves giving back but not without requiring something of you first. Better yet they select to give to those who they know will bring them many valuable returns which is basically investing.  That's not truly giving back. I'm talking about sacrificing some of your time and extending yourself. You can't put a price on that. Unsurprisingly no one truly does except us "little people" because it's priceless, worthless in value but oh so rich.

Acquire only what you need not all that you want; want not waste not!

I'm a Singer/ Songwriter/Author. Here is a link where you can view a few of my works.
Simply sharing some of me.  If you will or not your comments would be of great value.

https://plus.google.com/+ReneeZacharyTheseTwoHands   https://plus.google.com/+ReneeZacharyTheseTwoHands

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Some Mothers' Hanna Hanna Hanna; Katheryn Katheryn Katheryn

Some mothers just can't let go! Here's a fact you can not raise grown people! After 18-21 years of rearing who should want to. Mind you I didn't say help out (within reason), big difference. At what point moms do you stand up in guilt or guiltlessly say I've done my job to the best of my ability sink or swim, remembering sinking is not so bad but a learning experience. I believe that the overbearing, overprotective mothers create low self esteemed individuals who don't have a clue of their self worth because they're like guided missiles. I use the word missiles because these individuals at some point become rebellious, self destructive or just plain destructive as in the case of Candace, Wyatt and I believe eventually Benny too.

It is my belief that these types of mothers are needy, clingy, lacking thereof, more than likely stemming from an un-balance in their childhood (the sins of our fathers) sort of speak. On that note was just reflecting on some words of  Greenleaf character Mavis McCready when she spoke to Grace about her deceased sister saying to her, bear no guilt for your sister's demise everyone has the choice of their own path. Just curious as to why and I'm sure there is a reason Lady Mae as a mother would turn a blind eye to the molestation of her daughter. She's a mother for another time. I brought this incident up to say that no matter how good or bad your parenting skills are children become adults and eventually walk their own paths. A significant percent of the time the path they choose has nothing to do with their up bringing.

"It's a Hard knock life." No one has it easy even those born with (silver-spoons) in their mouths. Hard Knocks build character in the strong, and while the weak may fall and never get back up that's just their choice.

Mothers' nurture your children while they are young then (clip those apron strings) meaning trust them and allow them to grow. They may occasionally ask for your advice if needed. Hanna you claim to be a woman of faith, so let go and let GOD. You are not the creator Hanna.

Special thanks to my Mom Mrs. Verdell Satterfield who is now deceased for clipping her apron strings and pushing me out into the world. It has made the woman who I am proud to be today. And the beat goes on. In turn I've done the same for my daughter and she's flying like an eagle! For those less fortunate take solace in knowing you did what you felt was best.

*Notice I didn't mention that other mother Veronica Yikes! She's a controlling mother the worst kind.

Thank you Tyler Perry for your portrayals. There is so much more than meets the eye in these episodes. FYI folks they're filled with insight.

Monday, October 17, 2016


Remembering Over Three Decades Of Their Music

There was James Brown Sex Machine which was pretty cool, and then there was Sly Stone's Sex Machine which was the sexiest Sex Machine ever and still to date ( in my opinion )!

We at Jozacmusic revel minus the drinking in Sly and The Family Stone's music so my husband ( Jozac ) and I put a little something together to honor their memories. This snippet is not an attempt to infringe on any copyrights and is intended for entertainment purposes only. (MIU)  Enjoy