Fifty Shades Of Grey! Can you say
Speechless? Heyyyy
I can, and what I'm also
doing is adding it to my short and elite
list of greatest love stories ever told
along with The Ghost and Mrs. Muir,
Wuthering Heights and The Notebook.
This blog is not for those of you who
mistook this film as some lavish form
of porn. To you boxed brains I say keep
living inside of your boxes, just not
among the public. For those of us
who found it reviting and a sureal
side of love where no one's ever
dared to venture on silver screen
and incidentally so eloquently done.
So this question's for you. Should
Anna have stayed? Your thoughts.
Read mine in my next blog: Wed 7/
15/15 @ 7:00 pm. Theories/Synopsis.
Enjoy! Comments welcomed.